The importance of pre- and probiotics in dietary supplements for dogs.

In our very first blog post, we focus entirely on a topic that deserves more and more attention: pre- and probiotics.

Prebiotics and probiotics are two terms that may seem abstract and similar, often mentioned together, yet their meanings may not be immediately clear. Their relationship parallels the age-old question: which came first, the chicken or the egg? After all, without prebiotics, healthy probiotics cannot thrive!

Additionally, there are parabiotics and postbiotics. But what exactly are they?

Are you curious about the different biotics available for your loyal four-legged companion and how Nutriliq can contribute in this aspect? Keep reading for a concise yet engaging introduction.

What are probiotics and prebiotics?

It’s widely recognized that a healthy digestion is essential for overall well-being. This process commences within the intestines, where nutrients are assimilated and where the intestinal microbiome, a sophisticated ecosystem of microorganisms, is housed.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria themselves, producing acids and other bioactive compounds that inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Prebiotics, on the other hand, promote the growth of these beneficial bacteria. They reach the large intestine undigested, where they serve as food for the beneficial gut bacteria.

Therefore, maintaining an optimal balance of pre- and probiotics establishes the cornerstone of a healthy digestive system!

What are parabiotics en postbiotics?

Parabiotics are non-living bacteria that, similar to probiotics, stimulate the immune system within the intestinal tract. They are resistant to stomach acid and temperature variations, ensuring consistent efficacy irrespective of intestinal conditions. Parabiotics can serve as a complementary component in pro- or postbiotic supplements.

Postbiotics are beneficial substances produced by good gut bacteria during their growth and fermentation in the intestines. They can be used as a supplement to enhance gut health and support the growth of beneficial bacteria, especially when probiotics do not produce enough byproducts from their metabolism.

The role of Nutriliq in this narrative

The pre- and probiotic formulas developed by Nutriliq are precisely formulated to enhance gut health. Utilizing thoughtfully chosen ingredients, they establish a nourishing environment conducive to the growth and vitality of gut bacteria. This leads to a stronger immune system, improved digestion, and even a positive impact on the mental well-being of dogs. Similar to humans, maintaining physical strength and health is fundamental for a dog’s overall well-being.

Nutriliq combines premixes with probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis, and specific types of yeasts. These probiotics produce short-chain fatty acids such as acetate, butyrate and propionate. These are examples of postbiotics that offer various health benefits for your four-legged companion.

In this way, Lactobacillus acidophilus promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. Meanwhile, Bacillus subtilis stimulates enzyme production in the intestines, improving digestion and nutrient absorption. This results in greater food efficiency, requiring less food to maintain the animal at a healthy weight. These probiotics utilize prebiotics as a food source, such as fructo-oligosaccharides and inulin, which Nutriliq adds for optimal functionality. Nutriliq can also provide non-fermentable prebiotics that bind to the cell walls of harmful bacteria, preventing them from attaching to the intestinal wall and bolstering the immune system.

When to use pre-, pro-, and postbiotics?

Pre-, pro-, and postbiotics can offer solutions for various situations for your pet, or simply contribute to maintaining a healthy digestive system. Discover some specific applications below.

1. Support following antibiotic treatment

A healthy animal typically harbors a sufficient population of beneficial gut bacteria for proper digestion. However, after antibiotic treatment, it may become necessary to promptly restore the levels of beneficial gut bacteria with probiotics, especially in cases of disrupted digestion. Antibiotics can eradicate or weaken the beneficial gut bacteria, potentially resulting in diarrhea. Therefore, it is often recommended to use both prebiotics and probiotics to restore the natural balance in the digestive system.

Alternatively, postbiotics can also be used. They ensure the intestinal tract has enough beneficial bioactive compounds, even after completing antibiotics, thus promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

2. Prevention of stomach and intestinal issues

Regular administration of probiotics and postbiotics helps prevent stomach and intestinal problems such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other digestive disorders. Probiotics and postbiotics work together to support a healthy gut flora and maintain balance in the gut microbiome.

3. Improved nutrient absorption

A healthy gut flora is crucial for the absorption of nutrients from food. By promoting the growth of probiotics, prebiotics can indirectly enhance nutrient uptake by optimizing gut flora.

Furthermore, postbiotics exert anti-inflammatory and protective effects on the intestinal lining, leading to improved nutrient absorption.

4. Relief from allergies and skin issues

Certain strains of probiotics have the ability to regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation, thereby reducing the likelihood of allergies. Additionally, postbiotics can restore the natural balance of the skin and alleviate skin conditions like eczema.

5. Stabilization during stressful periods

In periods of stress, the balance of gut flora may be disrupted. Probiotics can aid in supporting gut recovery mechanisms and bolster overall resilience to stress.